9:01 PM

This Is Going To Take Some Getting Use To

I'm sitting in an empty house tonight. Not physically empty, but empty of children and of course my husband. It will be that way all night. My youngest went to spend the first overnight trip at Dad's place. My oldest has a serious girlfriend and a job from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m., so I haven't seen much of him either. It will be even less so after this weekend because he is moving in with his dad.

So here I sit. The cat seems to enjoy it. She is stretched out in the middle of the kitchen floor. A month a go she wouldn't of dared take up the position for fear of getting stepped on. I suppose some people would relish having a quiet house all to themselves. I'm not one of those people.

I know those of you that have a glass addiction like myself are now screaming "Go Torch!!", but my ambition and drive is lacking. Hopefully with time and pharmaceuticals it will come back. I start on a new set of medications tomorrow that will hopefully improve my outlook on life...keep your fingers crossed.


ShellyD said...

Not going to tell you to melt glass. I think I know exactly what you're saying different circumstances but same spot/place. I tried melting glass last night. Heart just wasn't there. Half way through and implosion I felt like putting it down and walking away. I actually forced myself to stay.

Hope the meds kick in soon!!


Anonymous said...

I don't have half of what you do going on and I'm having to make myself go torch. So give yourself a break. It will come back. But try to do something for YOU each day, even if it is something small.
